Latest Episodes
Ch1-7_We Couldn’t Be Happier than This (John 1:29-31)
You are so tired, aren’t you? I am very tired too. I know that we are weary because we work hard serving God’s righteousness...
Ch1-8_With What Kind of Look Did Our Creator Visit Us? (John 1:1-13)
Who is Jesus? Jesus is the Master who has created the entire universe and everything in it with His Word. Who is Jesus to...
Ch1-9_Who Is John the Baptist? (John 1:19-42)
In order to witness that Jesus Christ was truly the Messiah, the Savior whom all the people of Israel had been waiting for, John...
Ch2-1_We Are Happy If We Accept Jesus into Our Hearts (John 2:1-11)
There is a small town called Cana in the Galilees. Today’s Scripture passage talks about a wedding that was held in Cana, Jesus performed...
Ch2-2_We Can Taste the Blessings from God Only If We Obey the Word of God (John 2:5)
If we look at the Word in John 2, we see that Jesus was invited to a wedding in Cana, a town in Galilee....
Ch3-1_We Have to Be Born Again by Knowing and Believing in This Way (John 3:1-6)
Most Christians are trying their best to be born again. Still, there are many who use the term “being born again” without knowing the...